The main objective and understanding this module, is to guide all stakeholders in the Coffee Value Chain the recommended Good Agronomic Practices (GAP) to be able to realize economic benefits that shall transform into improved incomes along the entire value chain.
Robusta Coffee Agronomy
Coffee is Uganda's top-earning export crop, with Arabica Coffee export contribution to 20% and Robusta coffee contributing to 80% of ...
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Learning Objectives
Learning Agenda
- Coffee is Uganda’s top-earning export crop, with Arabica Coffee export contribution to 20% and Robusta coffee contributing to 80% of coffee exported.
- The development of this training module is geared towards supporting stakeholders in subsector especially the frontline service providers in knowledge transfer and adoption to enable farmers practice recommended initiatives that focus on boosting coffee production.
- With a target of 20 million bags of coffee exported annually by 2030 , the Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA) has put in measures to achieve this target, and one is being knowledge dissemination especially to farmers at the household level.
Course Lessons
1Robusta Coffee Introduction
2Coffee Establishment
3Soil & Water Conservation
4Stumping Of Coffee
5Fertility Management
8Access To Credit
9Pests & Disease Management
10Harvesting Of Coffee
11Post Harvest Handling Of Coffee
12Coffee Sorting & Coffee Grading
13Coffee Value Addition
14Coffee Marketing
15Coffee Certification
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